NAP Expo 2015 kicks off today

Experts gathering in Bonn to boost long-term adaptation

NAP Expo 2015 begins today in Bonn, Germany, tackling challenges facing developing countries embarking on their National Adaptation Plans process.

The opening ceremony will be chaired by Batu Uprety, the chair of the Least Developed Country Expert Group (LEG), and the introductory presentations will be on support and guidance to countries in the process to formulate and implement NAPS. The rest of the day will be devoted to parallel thematic sessions. This blog will keep you updated throughout the day.

NAP Expo 2015 intends to:

Provide a platform for focused interactions on aspects of the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans through special events and training opportunities.

  • Offer an opportunity for countries to exchange information on their adaptation planning activities;
  • Serve as a forum for sharing technical knowledge on adaptation assessments and programme design;
  • Exchange best practices on approaches to address common vulnerabilities and climate change risks; and
  • Offer a platform for countries and those providing technical and financial support to interact.

The link to the Programme is here.

This is the third NAP Expo organised by the LEG with the support of an Advisory Group that includes the Adaptation Committee and several programmes and organisations.