Tag Archives: naps

Regional networks share experiences at first plenary session

“Global and regional networks are vital for adaptation,” Professor Masataka Watanabe, Chair, Global Adaptation Network Successes in capitalising on regional synergies and shared vulnerabilities to find adaptation solutions featured in this morning’s plenary session at this year’s NAP Expo.  Regional networks and organisations set up to address climate change and climate change and climate change […]

Parallel sessions underway now.

The first round of parallel sessions for today are underway. These are as follows. I. Formulating medium- to long-term implementation strategies facilitated by Bubu Jallow, The Gambia  Defining national criteria for prioritizing implementation of adaptation, Ugyen Tshering, Bhutan Quantifying costs of adaptation, Isatou Camara, The Gambia Lessons learned from developing adaptation programmes under the GEF, Roland […]