UN Climate Change documentary: “Adapting to a changing climate” screens at NAP Expo

Adapting to a changing climate, a 20-minute documentary highlighting the growing recognition of the need for adaptation to climate change around the world, is being screened at the NAP Expo.

It introduces viewers to the topic of climate change adaptation by weaving inspiring stories of adaptation action together with interviews with experts.

The documentary was produced by the United Nations Climate Change secretariat on behalf of the UNFCCC’s Adaptation Committee.

In addition to the English version, versions in 9 languages are planned with subtitles, including the 6 UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, English French, Russian, Spanish) as well as Portugese, Bengali and Hindi.

These versions will be released in 2015 and distributed globally. Organizations and individuals are strongly encouraged to widely disseminate the video documentary.

Interested broadcasters and organizations are invited to contact the UNFCCC secretariat in order to obtain a free high-quality copy for broadcasting purposes via AC@unfccc.int.

Please enter your email address in this list to be notified once the subtitled versions of the video documentary will be published.

“Climate change can be an opportunity to transform society, an opportunity to learn from the mistakes that we have made and to build a better future.” Juan Hoffmaister, Adaptation Committee

“Climate change is global but adaptation measures need to be taken determined by the specific circumstances and specific impacts that each family, each community, each city is experiencing.” Christiana Figueres, UN Climate Chief

“What we all want is a vision of a climate resilient future where all rights to food, to water, to health, education, and life are protected.” Mary Robinson, UN Special Envoy for Climate Change