4.1.3 Enhancing data availability for climate change adaptation planning and implementation in collaboration with the private sector (AC)

The event will focus on the benefits and pitfalls of collaborating with the private sector, key factors for successful collaborations, case studies of successful collaborations, and the role of frontier technologies in data collection and analysis. The event will be structured as a series of input presentations, featuring a diverse group of experts from both the private and public sectors, as well as a moderated Q&A session.

Links to the presentations:

1. AC: Private sector engagement in the formulation and implementation of NAPs

2. GEO: Engaging with technology providers and private satellite companies to accelerate Earth observation uptake

3. GCF collaboration with the private sector

4. WMO: Needs, gaps, opportunities and challenges in data enhancement

5. IDOM: Enhancing data availability for climate change adaptation planning and implementation in collaboration with the private sector

6. NAP GN: Private sector engagement and data in NAP processes

Location: Valle del Maipo Date: March 30, 2023 Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am