2.4.2 Accessing adaptation finance (for National and Regional Entities) (UNDP, GCF)

To join the session online, please follow the livestream link.

The national implementing entity (NIE) direct access modality in the Adaptation Fund (AF) and the direct access entity (DAE) modality in the Green Climate Fund (GCF) are entry points for national and regional entities to directly access finance and manage projects. Due to lack of capacity and resources constraint direct access and implementation and delivery of projects within time faces numerous challenges. DAE requires more capacity building and enabling environments to ensure project origination to implementation.

In the Revised Strategy for the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme, which is pending Board adoption, DAEs are expected to receive specific attention through support from the early stages of project development with alignment to the GCF’s investment criteria to later stages during funding proposal development and continuing through to project implementation.

Building on UNDP’s history of proven expertise and experience, the demand for assistance has grown in scope and scale, including requests from national and regional entities and other development partners seeking UNDP’s direct support in capacity building, training, building pipelines for climate financing, project design & implementation support and more. Many of the partners seeking support are also actively engaged in the NAP Expo forum and will be present.

In this context, UNDP is proposing to deliver a dedicated session during the Regional NAP Expo for Asia and the Pacific for interested national and regional entities on accessing climate adaptation finance.


For more information on the session, the agenda and the speakers, you can find the brochure here Accessing adaptation finance for national and regional entities



Location: Room 207 Date: August 29, 2023 Time: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm