1.4.1 Scaling up implementation of adaptation through NAPs (NAP Global Network/UNDP/UNEP)

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Organizers: NAP Global Network, UNDP, UNEP

The objective of the session is to facilitate knowledge exchange among country representatives on emerging experiences in scaling up adaptation through the NAP process, identifying relevant tools, frameworks and lessons learned. Representatives from Costa Rica, Fiji, Bhutan, Nepal and Haiti will share their lessons learned on identifying barriers and opportunities to accelerate adaptation action. Participants will have the opportunity to share their own experiences and lessons learned in the knowledge clinics.

The objective of the session is to facilitate knowledge exchange among country representatives on emerging experiences in scaling up adaptation through the NAP process, identifying relevant tools, frameworks and lessons learned. Representatives from Bhutan, Nepal and Haiti will share their lessons learned on identifying barriers and opportunities to accelerate adaptation action. Participants will have the opportunity to share their own experiences and lessons learned in the knowledge clinics.



  • Ms. Gerty Pierre, Director of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment, Haiti
  • Mr. Rinchen Penjor, Deputy Chief Environment officer, Department of Water, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Bhutan
  • Dr. Buddi Sagar Poudel, Joint Secretary/Chief of Climate Change Management Division, Ministry of Forests and Environment, Nepal


Knowledge clinics moderated by:

  • Ms. Binaya Parajuli, NAP M&E Officer, Nepal
  • Mr. Netra Binod Sharma, NAP Project Manager, UNDP Bhutan
  • Ms. Martha Liliana Márquez Torres, Technical professional, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Colombia
  • Ms. Davaa Narantuya, Project Coordinator / Technical Advisor, NAP Mongolia Project

Links to the presentations:

  1. Scaling up implementation of adaptation through NAPs

Location: Valle del Maipo Date: March 27, 2023 Time: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm