Ermira Fida has about 20 years of working experience with a strong track record on climate change policy, finance and programing. Since 2009, she started working for UNEP where she has been leading the adaptation programing work at UNEP funded by the Least Developed Country Fund (LDCF), Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF), the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Adaptation Fund (AF). In the course of five years working for UNEP, she has built up a solid portfolio of adaptation projects funded by GEF, LDCF, SCCF, and AF, covering mainly LDCs and other developing countries in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean, West Asia and East Europe. These projects have provided essential support to these countries in building resilience to climate change impacts. Before joining UNEP, Ermira has worked for UNDP as Climate Change Portfolio Manager for Albania. She has also worked for the Albanian Government as the UNFCCC and IPCC Focal Point. During those years she provided due diligence and technical support to the UNDP supported portfolio for climate change including on carbon finance. Ermira has been designated as the lead negotiator for Albania in the UNFCCC negotiations for many years and was elected by Parties to the UNFCCC as the Vice Chair of the SBSTA (2006-2008) and member of the Adaptation Fund Board (2008-2009). She has also co-chaired different contact groups under UNFCC negotiations. Ermira is the author and co-author of many peer reviewed papers. She holds a Master of Sciences in Physics and a Master of Business Administration.