(Moderators will kick off discussions with a brief overview presentation).
I. Decision-making in managing climate risks – Moderated Benjamin Preston, ORNL/IPCC and Maxx Dilley, WMO
What are essential variables and metrics to support adaptation decision-making?
II. Monitoring and evaluation – Moderated Timo Leiter, GIZ and Juan Hoffmaister, Adaptation Committee
What are principles and approaches for effective and practical M&E under the NAP process?
III. Addressing adaptation in mountainous regions. Moderated by Karma Toeb, Bhutan and Christian Huggel, Switzerland/IPCC
What are best practices in addressing common vulnerabilities in mountainous regions? How achieve effective collaborate at the regional level such as in mountainous regions?
IV. Setting up national climate funds and budget codes – Moderated by Drissa Doumbia, Mali and Julia Azambuja, Mozambique
What are key steps in setting up national funds and budget codes? What are main lessons to be shared?