1.3.3 Advancing gender-responsive climate adaptation actions including in the agriculture, fisheries, and coastal zone sectors (FAO, LEG/Multi-stakeholders subgroup)

Climate change is a global phenomenon with far-reaching social, economic, cultural and environmental consequences. This session is designed to share the experiences of the implementation of gender-responsive climate adaptation action projects, such as the formulation and implementation of NAPs in Belize and Kenya in the agriculture, fisheries, and coastal zone sectors. The session will highlight different initiatives, programmes, and best practices employed by countries and different stakeholders, which led to strengthening gender consideration in adaptation planning in local communities, and women empowerment in the formulation and implementation of NAPs.

Organizers: LEG and FAO

I. Background

Climate change is a global phenomenon with far-reaching social, economic, cultural and environmental consequences. Women and men play different and complementary roles in contributing to food and livelihood security, managing climate-sensitive resources and in community organization and leadership. However, in many contexts, women face additional barriers to adaptation compared to their male counterparts due to social norms and practices that limit their access to information, resources, and opportunities. We can learn from the examples of efforts to pursue women’s empowerment and equality in meeting national adaptation goals. As such, this session undertakes a practical lens by shedding light on examples from countries and practitioners.

II. Objective:

The session will provide a space for experts and practitioners on NAPs to:
a) Share good practices to bridge gaps and strengthen approaches to adaptation action and support that promote gender equality and empower women and girls;
b) Showcase good examples of gender-responsive NAPs, initiatives, programs, and projects on the ground;
c) Discuss how to consciously develop a gender-responsive NAP in terms of planning and implementation of actions.

Time Content Speaker
5 mins Welcome by the LEG and FAO members Mery Yaou, LDC Expert Group

Rosalie Lehel, Natural Resources Officer, Green Climate Fund Team, FAO, Moderator

Part 1: Thematic presentations
7 mins Trends, challenges and opportunities in gender-responsive adaptation Sibyl Nelson, Lead Programme Advisor, FAO
7 mins Consideration of gender-responsive approaches in the formulation and implementation of NAPs Mery Yaou, LDC Expert Group
10 mins Q&A with speakers Rosalie Lehel, FAO, Moderator
Part 2: Country experiences and interactive discussions
35 min Experience in applying gender-responsive adaptation:

Hunter Hales, Proposal Development Officer, Climate Finance Unit, Ministry of Economic Development and NDA of Belize

Hillary Korir, Kenya National Treasury and NDA representative

Sambou Kinteh, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources

Hamisi Williams, Assistant FAO Representative, FAO Kenya:

Rosalie Lehel, FAO, Moderator, speakers and panelists


15 min Q&A with audience Rosalie Lehel, FAO, Moderator and speakers
5 mins Closing Mery Yaou, LEG

Location: Valle del Maipo Date: March 27, 2023 Time: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm