Despite the number of different challenges that LDCs continue to face due to climate change among other factors, many countries have been creative and resourceful in developing their NAPs and have made significant progress in advancing their adaptation efforts, building the resilience of their communities, and protecting their most vulnerable populations. Yet, despite the positive progress on the formulation of NAPs, many LDCs have faced challenges in translating their NAPs into reality on the ground. For example, many LDCs have prioritized the integration of adaptation measures into their national development plans and budgets, demonstrating a commitment to long-term sustainable development. LDCs have also demonstrated the importance of building on local knowledge and traditional practices, which often have proven effective in adapting to the impacts of climate change. Additionally, they have emphasized the need for gender-sensitive approaches, recognizing that women and girls are disproportionately affected by climate change and must be fully engaged in the design and implementation of adaptation measures. As the world continues to grapple with the impacts of climate change, the LDCs’ contributions will be crucial in advancing the global response and achieving a more resilient future for all. Through this event, the LDC Group aims to share the experience and lessons learned in the development of NAPs and to reflect on the challenges faced by many LDCs in implementing their NAPs even after successful and promising formulation of the plans.