2.2.3 Climate Risks Atlas of Chile, development and applications (Centro de Cambio Global UC, Chile)

Climate risk is based on the interaction of three fundamental components: hazard, exposure and vulnerability (composed of sensitivity and adaptive capacity). Under this approach, the “Climate Risk Atlas” (ARCLIM) project of the Ministry of the Environment stands out. This study developed and generated the mapping of hazard, exposure and vulnerability indicators (mainly sensitivity) and climate risk for 12 systems: Agriculture, Native Forests, Forest Plantations, Aquaculture, Artisanal Fishing, Water Resources, Tourism, Biodiversity, Health and Human Well-being (Health and Cities), Coastal Infrastructure, Energy and Mining (under review), being able to evaluate 54 impact chains. The event will explore the ARCLIM project and indicators for monitoring and evaluating the progress of adaptation to climate change.

Links to the presentations:

1. Atlas the riesgos climaticos (Climate Risk Atlas of Chile)

2. Indicadores para el monitoreo y evaluacion del progreso de la adaptacion al cambio climatico en Chile 

Location: Gran Aysen Date: March 28, 2023 Time: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm