WEBINAR: The impacts of COVID-19 on adaptation planning on Asian LDCS

Date: Wednesday, 10 June 2020
Time: 15:00-16:00 (BKK) 8:00-9:00 (UTC)
With the unprecedented times the health-crisis COVID-19 has posed on the world, the rational behind organizing this webinar is to provide Asian LDC countries with a platform for south-south knowledge exchange on the challenges they are experiencing and how they are incorporating to ‘build back better’ during this period. The National Adaptation Plan Global Support Programme has partnered with SLYCAN Trust to host a webinar for NAPs teams and government stakeholders located in Asia (East Asia, South East Asia, Oceania and SIDs) interested in hearing shared experiences from other Asian LDC countries on COVID-19 impacts on their development planning.
- Mr. Ali Shareef, Maldives (SLYCAN Trust country partner on NAPs)
- Dr. Maheshwar Dhakal, Nepal (Joint Secretary (Government of Nepal), Project Director (NAP Project) and Focal Person (UNFCCC and UNCCD)
- Dr. Heng Chanthoeun, Cambodia (The Department of Climate Change in Cambodia)
Visit: https://www.globalsupportprogramme.org/webinar-impacts-covid-19-adaptation-planning-asian-ldcs