NAP Champions Webinar: Advancing adaptation through National Adaptation Plans

Date 2020-Oct-14
Time 14:00 to 15:30 CEST
Location Virtual
14:00 – 15:30




This event will discuss the importance of having a plan to guide concrete action on adaptation and subsequent monitoring and evaluation; and will share specific experience with advanced data systems in supporting systematic observation and monitoring in the important area of food systems. An interactive discussion will focus on how to achieve effective plans in a timely manner by relying on best available data and making use of frontier technologies.

The event is part of the NAP Champions Webinar Series designed to advance NAPs at the highest levels of leadership while promoting the NAP as the central vehicle to addressing climate change impacts, vulnerabilities and risks at the national level.

Two distinguished speakers will grace the event.

Event Flyer

Agenda NAP Champions Event

Draft Programme


Item and Speakers

14:00–14:05 Introduction to the event: Mr. Alex Simalabwi, GWP, Moderator
14:05 – 14:20 We need a plan in order to achieve progress in adaptation: Ms. Loren Legarda (Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of the Philippines, NAP Champion)
14:20–14:35 Key challenges in building essential data and analytical tools in the LDCs and potential solutions: Ms. Sonam Khandu (LDC Expert Group)
14:35–15:05 Strengthening Agriculture and Food Security Decisions with Earth Observations and Machine Learning under GEOGLAM and NASA Harvest: DrCatherine Nakalembe (NASA Harvest Africa Program Lead, University of Maryland)
15:05–15:20 Interactive discussion (on Mentimeter) on how to boost the formulation and implementation of NAPs: NAP technical working group

  • What are essential elements of adaptation plans to ensure they lead to progress in addressing many aspects of adaptation (action, reporting, etc)?
  • How do we ensure every country has a plan as a first step?
  • How do we use best available science and frontier technologies to transform plan development?
15:20–15:30 Session summary and ways forward: Moderator