The Fiji National Adaptation Plan was submitted to the UNFCCC secretariat on December 12, 2018 and was launched at the margins of COP 24 in Katowice, Poland.
The NAP contains 160 adaptation measures to be prioritised over the five-year period of the NAP. They have been selected on the basis of stakeholder
consensus. They have not been selected on a cost-benefit or least-cost approach. Such approaches are not considered possible or desirable, in line with the Climate Vulnerability Assessment. This is due to multiple reasons, such as the inability to quantify or monetise the impacts of climate
change and natural disasters. The actions chosen have benefits for climate resilience, but also have additional benefits in terms of development outcomes.
The prioritised actions are split across a total of 10 systems and sectoral components. System components and adaptations identified are those required to instigate a paradigm shift by altering system processes to enable and increase investment flows to adaptation as well as creating an
enabling environment for climate-resilient development to occur. Sectoral adaptations represent components and actions especially relevant to both society and the economy and which are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.
The Fiji NAP, along with other NAPs, is available on NAP Central.