GIZ is a bilateral agency offering customized solutions to complex challenges and assist the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation, demand-driven, tailor-made and effective services for sustainable development.
Responding to the call for bilateral agencies to support the NAP process, the following are GIZ fields of work related to NAPs.
Development of methods and tools for the elements of the NAP process based on the NAP technical guidelines;
Bilateral support for partner countries;
Participation in multilateral for a/global discussions on NAPs.
GIZ offers further assistance to enable countries implement the technical guidelines. The following supplementary materials were prepared:
NAP Align (Aligning NAP processes to development and budget planning) provides practical recommendations on how to integrate adaptation to climate change into a country’s planning and budgeting system.
The Stocktaking for National Adaptation Planning (SNAP) Tool helps in assessing a country’s current national adaptation planning capacities and in identifying strategic goals for NAP that feed into the preparation of a country specific NAP Roadmap.
The Guidebook on Developing National Adaptation Monitoring and Evaluation Systems aims to guide developing countries in formulating an appropriate M&E system for adaptation through informed decision on the purpose, design, operationalisation, and use of results. Given its close linkages with the broader development and M&E context in a given country, the Guidebook shows the various nuances to consider in establishing an M&E system for adaptation and likewise recognizes that there is no one-size-fits all approach to national M&E of adaptation.
GIZ also cooperates with the GEF/LDCF financed NAP Global Support Programme(NAP-GSP) which assists Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in developing their NAPs. Besides joint advisory missions, GIZ cooperates with the NAP-GSP partner organizations UNDP and UNITAR in developing a NAP country-level training.