Parallel Session 1.5: LEG/NAP Technical Working Group: A systems approach for the framing and formulation of NAPs in the context of the SDGs and the Sendai Framework – introducing the NAP-SDG iFrame


Countries are faced with many frameworks to respond to and fulfil, with some of them cutting across multiple issues and agendas. The SDGs under the Agenda 2030 are perhaps the most encompassing, while the UNFCCC/Paris Agreement and the Sendai Framework are quite specific on aspects related to climate change adaptation and disasters respectively. At the national level, countries are faced with technical and governance challenges about how to organize their work and ensure actions complement each other and that synergy is maximized. To support the formulation of NAPs, the LEG has developed the NAP-SDG integrative framework (iFrame) that facilitates the integration of different entry points to planning by managing relationships between the entry points and the systems being managed. By focusing on the systems that are key to a country’s development, it is possible to map to different drivers (climatic hazards for instance), as well as to sectors or ministries, specific SDGs, different spatial units, development themes, or other frameworks such as the Sendai Framework. The achievement of particular SDGs is ensured by ensuring all necessary systems for that goal are included in the analysis and subsequent action.

The NAP-SDG iFrame is being tested in a number of countries, and early results indicate that this systems approach is very effective at focusing on outputs and outcomes that would have the greatest impact on development dividends, while avoiding the bias inherent in active actors that would promote their interests over those of more necessary systems, and also helps ensure multiple frameworks are all simultaneously addressed. The approach has the potential to manage multiple and overlapping climatic factors or hazards, and should facilitate governance and synergy between different actors and ministries.

As different organizations provide supplements to the NAP technical guidelines, usually sector, there is an opportunity to using the NAP-SDG iFrame as the overall framework for aligning and harmonizing work around common systems to support adaptation in the different sectors, and covering different geographic scopes.


  • Introduce the integrative framework in an interactive manner with the audience to show its power and flexibility;
  • Explore how different sectors, geographies, climate drivers/hazards can be represented within the iFrame;
  • Support interested countries in conducting a workout to apply the NAP-SDG iFrame with a view to produce a skeleton of a NAP;
  • Identify questions that can be explored in the context of adaptation planning across scales and levels, and how to maximize synergy between different entry points and other frameworks.

Expected outcomes

  • Better understanding of the new method being proposed and how it can be applied in the formulation of NAPs and subsequent implement efforts, as well as in better coordinating knowledge and support;
  • Ideas on how to improve methodologies, data and tools to support key systems;
  • Identify opportunities for case studies to apply the iFrame from interested countries including through Open NAPs that will be discussed later in the week.



LEG/NAP Technical Working Group
Location: Room 204 Date: April 8, 2019 Time: 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Paul Desanker