7.1  Appraising adaptation in the context of the less than 2 °C temperature limit

Moderator: Susanna De Beauville-Scott (Saint Lucia)

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  1.  Climate change scenarios in the context of the less than 2C global temperature limit – Olivia Serdeczny (Climate Analytics)
  2. Country experiences – Inti Martin Carro Guichon (Uruguay), Ali Shareef (The Maldives), Clifford Mahlung (Jamaica)


7.2 Approaches/adaptation solutions 

Moderator: Tosi Mpanu Mpanu (DRC)

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  1. Ecosystem-based approaches – Barney Dickson (UNEP)
  2. Community-based adaptationAtiq Rahman (ICCCAD)
  3. Country experiences – Mohamed Ismail Ibrahim Elsehamy (Egypt)


7.3 Information and Communication Technologies in adaptation

Moderator: Flavio Cucchietti (Telekom Italia, ITU-T Study Group 5)

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a. The Power of ICT: Collaborative Innovation for our Sustainable FutureHideyuki Kanemitsu (Fujitsu)
c. Internet of things: accelerating action on climate change adaptationPatrick Blankers (Ericson)
c.  Advancing NAPs after Paris: ICT sector contribution  Luis Neves (Deutsche Telekom)
d. Discussion


7.4 Regional approaches to adaptation planning

Moderator: Bonizella Biagini (UNDP)

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  1. Great Green Wall Initiative for the Sahara and the SahelMarcelin Sanou (Pan African Agency of the Great Green Wall Initiative of the Sahara and Sahel)
  2.  Country experiences – Gabriel Pierre Ndiaye & Mamadou Daha Kane (Senegal)