NAP Writing Workshop for Asian LDCs

Implementation of National Adaptation Plans

WHEN 11 to 14 September 2023
WHERE Kathmandu, Nepal Hotel Everest


The writing workshops provide a space for NAP country teams, with the support of the LEG, relevant delivery partner(s), agency(ies) or designated authority(ies) the countries have decided to work with, and all partners, to develop their project ideas into concept notes or project proposals for submission for funding to the AF, GCF and LDCF. They also offer a space for countries to develop or update their roadmaps for NAP implementation, and to design required technical support from the LEG and other providers of support to best support them to implement their NAP.

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The workshop is targeting country teams responsible for the implementation of adaptation priorities associated with the NAPs such as the NAP lead or the climate change focal point, National Designated Authorities for the GCF, Operational Focal Points of the GEF, Designated Authorities of the Adaptation Fund, project executing entities as well as other relevant national stakeholders, and any other technical partners.