Dr. Huicheul Jung is the Director of the Korea Adaptation Center for Climate Change(KACCC), Korea Environment Institute (KEI)
[Academic Background]
Doctor, Environmental Science , Kyoto University
Oct.2020. KEI. Spatial-Based Climate Change Vulnerability Analysis Study for Diagnosis of Climate Justice (기후정의 진단을 위한 공간기반 기후변화 민감계층 분석 연구)
Mar. 2021. KEITI. Development of Integrated Evaluation Decision Support Tools for the Selection of Climate Change Adaptation Policies (기후변화 적응정책 선정을 위한 통합평가 의사결정 지원도구 개발)
MoE. Establishment and Operation of National Environmental Map (국가환경지도 구축·운영)
MoE. Supporting and establishing the foundation for regional governments’ adaptation measures (지자체 적응대책 수립 지원 및 기반 구축)
KEI. VESTAP: Vulnerability Assessment Tool to build Climate Change Adaptation Plan (지역 기후변화 취약성 평가도구)
KEI. MOTIVE: Model Of integrated Impact and Vulnerability Evaluation of climate change (기후변화 영향 및 취약성 통합평가 모형)
KEITI. Development of Impact and Adaptive Evaluation Technology to Support the Establishment of Adaptation Measures (적응대책수립지원을 위한 영향 및 적응평가기술 개발)