Plenary: Keynote Presentations

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Keynote 5.1.1 Dr. Kénel Délusca, NAP Data, Future Scenario and Modeling Initiative

Keynote 5.1.2 Dr. Philip Osano, “Transboundary climate risks

4.4.1 LEG@20: Twenty years of adaptation support to the LDCs + PA Align Tool (LEG)

The LEG event will showcase milestones and achievements, experiences and lessons learned from the work of the LEG in supporting the LDCs on adaptation since the start of its work 20 years ago. The event will also feature a forward-looking approach toward enhancing support to the LDCs in line with the vision of the LEG.

  1. Introduction by the LEG Chair
  2. 20 Years of Adaptation Support by the LEG – Watch the video
  3. LEG over the last 20 years: Insights from the Former Chairs
    • Mr. Bubu Jallow – What were the main achievements and challenges of the LEG when you were a Chair 15 years ago?
    • Mr. Fred Onduri – How has the work of the LEG impacted progress in adaptation in the LDCs since you were a member and a Chair?
    • Mr. Abias Houngo – Where do you see the LDCs 10-15 years from and how do you think the LEG can continue to support them?
  4. Insights from the audience
  5. Closing

Location: Plenary Date: August 26, 2022 Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am Dr. Kénel Délusca Dr. Philip Osano