4.2.5 Youth Leadership in Implementing adaptation actions (LEG, GCA)

As scientists, entrepreneurs, farmers, community leaders, and more, young people are critical in driving forward climate-resilient development and transformational adaptation. What’s more, youth around the world have demonstrated their eagerness and commitment to participating in climate action. Too often, however, their potential remains untapped. Indeed, there are a range of institutional barriers and capacity challenges that can stand in the way of youth engagement in adaptation. At the same time, there are ample opportunities, including in relation to national adaptation plans and nationally determined contributions, for youth to play a significant role in adaptation.

This event will explore what steps young people can take to become active participants in implementing adaptation and what steps governments can take to encourage and support their engagement in implementing national adaptation plans.

Presentation 1: Introduction to the session  (LEG)

Presentation 2: Panel questions

Location: Plenary Date: August 25, 2022 Time: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Ms. Laurie Ashley