Parallel Session 3.3: Climate data and projections with a focus on <2°C (GERICS)


Climate data and information needs of countries are very diverse and require tailored solutions for regional to local conditions. Different climate and societal conditions result in many potential climate change impacts and thus require different and individually tailored adaptation measures and climate services. The basis of the development of individual adaptation measures and climate services is the access to climate data, climate information and their visualization. It is important to assess and evaluate the available data in the regions of interest with respect to the suitability and needs of the individual countries. In cases where no suitable spatial and temporal climate data are available, model simulations can be used to bridge the gap. In many cases regional downscaled data can be used. During the session, participants will get a chance to visualize data for their region.


  • Provide an overview of existing climate and climate change data sources together with a brief discussion about their application, limits of application and visualization techniques;
  • Provide participants with ideas about possibilities of visualizing data for their regions.

Expected outcomes

  • Sources of climate data and scenarios accessible for the formulation of NAPs

Link for presentation

GERICS Climate Scenario

Technical analysis incl. climate data and projects, risk and M&E
Location: Room 205 Date: April 9, 2019 Time: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Claas Teichmann