CYBER HOUR: Parallel Session 6.1: Methodologies for climate rationale for adaptation (WMO)


The Paris Agreement calls for “Strengthening scientific knowledge on climate, including research, systematic observation of the climate system and early warning systems, in a manner that informs climate services and supports decision-making (Article 7, paragraph 7 (c))”. TheWMO in coordination with the GCF has developed a concept, called Climate Rationale, which is based on scientific methodology, guidelines, data and other technical resources, and implementation approach for enhancing the climate rationale of all GCF-financed projects and activities. A climate rationale requires data on the past and current behavior of the climate system as well as predictions and projections concerning its future behavior. The climate rationale has been established as a foundational piece of GCF operational policies to ensure consistency with the rest of GCF operational policies and the related elements of its Strategic Plan.


  • This knowledge-sharing session will showcase how climate information and indicators on the current climate and future climate change scenarios support a science-based adaptation planning and implementation.
  • It will further show the full value chain of which the climate science basis and climate rationale in part becomes complete only when the actions based on it result in improved climate-related societal outcomes. Realizing the value from the climate information, and the rationale to which it contributes, therefore, also entails successful execution of the measures informed by the rationale.

Expected outcomes

This session is expected to:

  • Enhance information on partnerships between climate scientists and financial sectors supporting adaptation, government departments, international and non-governmental organizations and, where appropriate and possible, the private sector and civil society;
  • Inform about the provision of better data coverage and information processing, higher resolution models and more precise and useful specialized products for societal benefits, including opportunities to better support government and other decision-makers regarding safety, the economy and security;
  • Encourage NMHSs through interaction with stakeholders to continue their active role in preparing and implementing NAPs.

Link for presentations


Technical analysis incl. climate data and projects, risk and M&E
Location: Room 206 Date: April 10, 2019 Time: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Amir Delju