The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies – ICTs. ITU is committed to connecting all the world's people.
Ready to help countries in:
- Accessing information/experience of other countries in applying adaptation technologies;
- Using frontier technologies for adaptation assessments, planning & implementation;
- Managing coherence between adaptation & relevant frameworks incl. 2030 Agenda and the Sendai Framework;
- Developing national knowledge & information systems to support adaptation
- planning, implementation and reporting;
- Research and systematic observations for adaptation assessments, planning
- & implementation;
- Assessing climate risk and vulnerability;
- Integrating adaptation into subnational and local development plans;
- Advocacy & education on climate change and adaptation;
- Engaging stakeholders incl. indigenous peoples, women, youth and the
- private sector.
Specific expertise includes:
- ICTs for disaster risk reduction & management, through the design of national emergency telecommunication plans, setting up early warning & monitoring systems, and providing emergency telecommunications equipment when disasters strike;
- Protecting the environment from e-waste and shifting to a circular economy for ICT equipment;
- Radiocommunications systems and applications in support of monitoring, mitigating & adapting to the effects of climate change;
- Standards that help to adapt different sectors of the economy to the impacts of climate change;
- Facilitating digital solutions for energy efficiency by reducing emissions &
- carbon footprints.
UN 4 NAPs Organization Adaptation Related Programs
- Environment and climate change
- Emergency Telecommunications
- Study Group Questions linked to climate change: ITU-D and ITU-T