Dr. Budiyono is a researcher for the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) in Jakarta since 1995. In the office, he has led various research projects e.g. liquid and solid waste management from ships and harbours in Indonesia during his early years with BPPT. Upon finishing his master program with the University of Melbourne, Australia, and a training on integrated coastal zone management in Germany, he focused on wetland ecosystem and dynamic models. Several products of the two skills are regional economic model for wetland areas in South Kalimantan, flood risk model in Jakarta, and currently precipitation induced landslides in Western Java.
Upon finishing his doctorate degree with the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam where he also was a guest researcher for the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), he is appointed as wing coordinator for Indonesia of the Delta Alliance International. Mr. Budiyono loves Linux, free/open source software, and occasionally teaches scientific writing.