Parallel Session 10.2: Google Earth Engine NAP Data Catalog (NAP Technical Working Group, MSU)


Good data is a fundamental to adaptation assessments and planning, and is a major component of any planning effort. Managing data over the long-term is a challenge for many organizations, especially when data is collected as part of a project with a fixed term life. Most data is collected, managed and analysed using geospatial technologies. There is a rich collection of data at the regional and global level, along with national collections that offer a great basis for formulation and implementation of NAPs. The Google Earth Engine (GEE) is a freely available geographic information system (GIS) software, with capabilities of powerful but expensive GIS systems, with the added value of offering online/cloud storage for data (for free) and powerful computing power through the cloud as well.

This working session will explore how GIS can be used to build up fundamental datasets and analyses to support work on NAPs, including during the Open NAP initiative discussed in earlier LEG sessions. The overall goal of this work is to work towards development of a NAP Data catalog, building on readily available online datasets, and also new and specialized datasets produced by countries and researchers that are not so readily available to the adaptation community.


  • Discuss how geospatial data can be best used to support NAPs;
  • Advance planning and efforts towards development of common shared datasets to support the Open NAPs initiative at different levels (subnational, to national, basin and continental levels) under the Google Earth Engine.

Expected outcomes

  • Better understanding of the spatial dimensions of NAPs and how geospatial technologies can assist, including a broad survey of quality datasets available globally that countries can utilize in their adaptation work;
  • Strengthen collaboration under Open NAPs to build common and shared resources to support NAPs.

LEG/NAP Technical Working Group
Location: Room 205 Date: April 11, 2019 Time: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm