Parallel Session 5.5: Adaptation Forum: Engagement of the private sector in adaptation planning processes, including NAPs (Adaptation Committee)

Session 1 – Challenges:


The AC convened a workshop in 2018 on fostering engagement of the agri-food sector in resilience to climate change, co-organized with the International Trade Centre. The Adaptation Forum will share the key outcomes of the workshop and facilitate dialogues on challenges and solutions with key actors from diverse perspectives. The 2019 Adaptation Forum will be organized in two sessions, with the first one focusing on the challenges and the second one focusing on the opportunities in engaging the private sector in adaptation planning processes, including NAPs, in particular beyond the implementation phase.


This session will consider:

  • Barriers for governments to include the private sector in NAPs;
  • Barriers for the private sector to engage in NAPs;
  • Involvement of the private sector beyond the formulation and implementation of NAPs;
  • Concrete measures to overcome the challenges.

Expected outcome

By the end of the session, participants have explored the barriers around the engagement of the private sector in adaptation planning processes, and possible ways to overcome those.

Link for presentations

Multiple Stakeholders including youth, gender, private sector
Location: Grand Ballroom A Date: April 10, 2019 Time: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm