Parallel Session 4.5: Results and lessons learned from Open NAP workouts (NAP Technical Working Group)


Open NAP cases have been advanced for Malawi and the Philippines, and these will be presented as a proof of concept, highlighting key results and lessons learned, and potential next steps. Under Session 3.5 on Open NAPs, interested countries will have started to work through steps under the NAP-SDG iFrame to frame their NAP, and will
continue to do so under this session.


  • Present results and lessons from past efforts on Open NAPs for Malawi and the Philippines;
  • Offer countries interested in Open NAPs an opportunity to develop their ideas further, guided by the earlier experiences.

Expected outcome

Better understanding of the potential for broader application of the Open NAP concept to advance learning and cooperation in adaptation between different countries and different actors and stakeholders.

Link for presentation

LEG/NAP Technical Working Group
Location: Room 204 Date: April 10, 2019 Time: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm