Parallel Session 2.5: Introduction to quantitative climate risk analysis (ETH Zurich, NAP Technical Working Group)


The Economics of Climate Adaptation (ECA) methodology provides a robust and replicable way of determining current and future risks induced by natural hazards in a changing climate. ECA allows to quantify adaptation costs at local to national levels. It combines scenario planning with assumptions regarding economic and population development pathways as well as the impacts of climate change. It provides a comprehensive framework to assess entire sets of adaptation measures (drawn from infrastructural, technical, behavioural or financial domains).


  • To provide an introduction to the ECA methodology, with concrete examples of its application to foster discussions on its utility within the NAP context.

Expected outcomes

  • Participants will have heard of the idea behind this methodology, received inputs on how to advance adaptation planning within this framework, learned about its limitations and have exchanged experiences.

Link to presentations

Technical analysis incl. climate data and projects, risk and M&E
Location: Room 207 Date: April 8, 2019 Time: 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm Evelyn Mühlhofer Lena Klockemann