Parallel Session 2.1: Country approaches in designing the formulation of NAPs and experience with accessing GCF readiness support for the formulation of NAPs under the NAP Global Support Programme (NAP GSP)


This session will present the experience of countries being supported by the NAP GSP (UN Environment and UNDP) in formulating their NAPs, focused around the following building blocks of the NAP process:

  • Defining mandates, institutional arrangements, roadmaps;
  • Preparing and submitting funding proposals to formulate their NAPs;
  • Integrating adaptation into national and subnational development planning;
  • Appraising, prioritizing and ranking adaptation options;
  • Monitoring and evaluation systems;
  • Capacity building & communications;
  • Designing a communication strategy.

Presenters will also share opportunities and challenges they have faced in terms of resources, stakeholders consultation, and cross-sectoral integration, among other topics.


  1. Demonstrate how countries have adapted the steps of the NAP technical guidelines to their national contexts;
  2. Share experiences in formulating proposals for funding under the GCF Readiness including on framing objectives based on key gaps and needs.

Target participants

  • Country representatives engaged in the NAP process
  • Support agencies on NAPs

Expected Outcomes
By the end of the session, participants will have a greater understanding of:

  • The building blocks for NAP formulation, and how they can adapt them to their contexts;
  • The opportunities and challenges that countries have faced and their needs for support;
  • How to turn “problems” into “objectives” to develop proposals to address their needs and access funds to support their NAP formulation.




Financial support
Location: Room 204 Date: April 8, 2019 Time: 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm