Parallel Session 11.1: Gender in NAPs (NAP GN, NAP-Ag (FAO/UNDP))


Many countries are already making an effort to integrate gender considerations in their Process to formulate and implement NAPs. However, more needs to be done for consistent and deeper integration of gender issues in climate adaptation planning processes. A gender-responsive Process to formulate and implement NAPs involves:

  • Recognition of gender differences in adaptation needs, opportunities and capacities;
  • Equitable participation and influence by women and men in adaptation decision-making processes;
  • Equitable access to financial resources and other benefits resulting from investments in adaptation between women and men.

A key step to enable countries to undertake gender-responsive process to formulate and implement NAPs is to develop a more comprehensive and context-specific understanding of gender issues in relation to climate change. This session will highlight recent experiences in undertaking gender analysis to inform adaptation planning and action. Following a framing presentation, an interactive panel discussion will focus on approaches, emerging results and lessons learned from conducting NAP-focused gender analyses. Participants will then have an opportunity to discuss amongst themselves in an interactive component of the session.


  • Increase understanding of gender-responsive process to formulate and implement NAPs;
  • Share perspectives, experiences and lessons learned on gender analyses to inform the process to formulate and implement NAPs

Draft agenda

  • NAP-focused gender analysis: rationale and approach (1o Min)
    • Welcome, brief overview of the session (Christian Ledwell, NAP Global Network)
    • Introducing an approach to NAP-focused gender analyses (Julie Dekens, NAP Global Network)
  • Panel discussion: Talk show-style discussion with key experts, exploring country experiences in conducting NAP-focused gender analyses (35 Min)
    • Host:   Christian
    • Panelists:
      • Jean Douglas Anaman, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Ivory Coast
      • Vonifanja Andrianaonitsoa, gender expert, Madagascar
      • NAP Ag speaker, Vietnam or Uganda, TBC
      • NAP Ag speaker, Uruguay
  • Small group discussions: Facilitated discussions in smaller groups, focusing on the question: What are the key questions that a NAP-focused gender analysis needs to answer? (25 Min)
    • Overall facilitation: Christian
    • Group facilitators/rapporteurs: TBC
  • Report back from the group discussions: Rapporteurs share 1-2 key points from the group discussions, these are written on a flip chart (12 Min)
  • Closing remarks: Brief wrap up of the key themes emerging from the discussions (Julie Teng, UNDP) (5 Min)
  • Thank you and closing (Christian, NAP Global Network) (3 Min)

Multiple Stakeholders including youth, gender, private sector
Location: Room 205 Date: April 12, 2019 Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am