Paul Watkiss is a leading expert on climate change adaptation and has multi-disciplinary expertise covering climate change modelling through to financial and economic appraisal. He specializes in adaptation planning and the costs and benefits of adaptation.
He has practical experience of developing national and sector adaptation action plans, having led major studies in Rwanda, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Nepal, and has worked as an advisor to the UNFCCC, UNEP, the OECD, the EC and the UK Government (DFID).
Mr. Watkiss has led numerous major studies and has written over 100 publications, reports and conference papers. He was a contributing author on three chapters of the 2014 IPCC AR5 WGII.
Recent Publications
A review of the economics of adaptation and climate-resilient development [working paper] (available here); Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment (May 2016)
Introduction & The Cost of Adaptation (in The Adaptation Gap: Finance Report) (available here); UNEP (May 2016)
The complementarity and comparability of climate change adaptation and mitigation (available here); Climate Change (December 2015)
The use of new economic decision support tools for adaptation assessment: A review of methods and applications, towards guidance on applicability (available here); Climate Change (October 2014)
The Adaptation Funding Gap (in The Adaptation Gap: A Preliminary Assessment) (available here); UNEP (November 2014)
Climate change and river floods in the European Union: Socio-economic consequences and the costs and benefits of adaptation (available here); Global Environmental Change (September 2013)
Relevant links
Stockholm Environment Institute, Oxford – Paul Watkiss (
Global Climate Adaptation Partnership – Paul Watkiss (
Paul Watkiss Associates – People and Expertise (