Le Minh Nhat Le Minh Nhat

Director of the Climate Change Adaptation Division (CCA Vietnam)
Department of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change (DMHCC),
Viet Nam’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE).

Dr. Le Minh Nhat is Director of the Climate Change Adaptation Division (CCA Vietnam) of the Department of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change (DMHCC), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Vietnam (MONRE). Dr.Nhat is a key person involved in development of policies and strategies of climate change adaptation. He is taking lead in state administration of CCA activities in Viet Nam, specifically conducting climate change impact assessments;developing and managing national CC database; management of the evaluation of the pilot models and replications of the evidence based effective CCA interventions; Analyzing loss and damage in line with Warsaw International Mechanism; Building up Climate Change Scenarios;
Prior to his appointment as CCA division Director, Dr. Nhat served as the Deputy Director of the National Centers for Flood and Storm Control in Central and Highland of MARD in 2009 and as the official of Department of Flood and Strom Control from 1995-2004, both within Vietnam National CCFSC.
In his capacity of law and policy development, he set significance to an inclusive and participatory process of legal and policy making. Relevant stakeholders were enabled to participate in the law and policy making activities in different forms, either direct face to face policy dialogues or indirectconsultations during these processes to ensure their issues were reflected in a new law or policy.

Dr. Nhat received his PhD (2008) degrees in Hydrology from the Kyoto University,Japan and Masters of Science (1998) and his Bachelor of Science degree from Hanoi Water Resouces University. .

Dr. Nhat research interests span climate variability and change, and weather – climate linkages (including extreme events), with emphasis on diagnostic evaluation of observations and models to improve climate prediction. He has more than 10 peer-reviewed journal articles, technical reportspublished, and 40 conference proceedings.

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