Richard Smithers Richard Smithers

Richard Smithers is Ricardo Energy & Environment’s Ecosystems Knowledge Leader. He has worked in the environmental sector for more than 30 years and is an expert on ecosystem-based issues, particularly with regard to: climate change mitigation, vulnerabilities, impacts and adaptation; programme, policy and technical monitoring and evaluation; and systematic rapid evidence assessment.  He has wide experience of: strategic planning; evidence and policy development; practical forest and land management; community involvement; and citizen science. Richard has steered and provided expert input to many high-level projects internationally for governmental and intergovernmental organisations in relation to more than 15 countries. He has recently led development of the State of Palestine’s National Adaptation Plan and provided expert input and quality assurance to the INDC (Intended Nationally Determined Contribution) process in six countries with regard to carbon emissions from LULUCF (land use, land-use change and forestry) and synergies between mitigation and adaptation measures. He has also undertaken in-country consultations with Asia-Pacific countries on the Country-Level Impacts of Climate Change (CLICC) project in order to develop common national reporting on climate change impacts and thereby promote international action, and facilitated China’s pilot project.

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