Revision as of 21:08, 12 February 2020 by (talk) (Created page with "=== Front matter === : a. Acronyms : b. List of Tables : c. List of Figures === Executive summary === === Introduction === === National circumstances === : a. The nat...")
- 1 Front matter
- 2 Executive summary
- 3 Introduction
- 4 National circumstances
- 5 Vision, mission and objective of the NAP
- 6 Goal and objectives of the NAP
- 7 Regulatory frameworks and institutional arrangements for adaptation
- 8 Processes supporting the development of the National Adaptation Plan
- 9 Impacts, vulnerabilities and risks (short-, medium- and long term)
- 10 National Adaptation Priorities
- 11 Climate change adaptation implementation strategy including costs
- 12 Reporting, monitoring and evaluation framework
- 13 Further development of an effective NAP process and updates to the NAP
- 14 References
- 15 Annexes
Front matter[edit | edit source]
- a. Acronyms
- b. List of Tables
- c. List of Figures
Executive summary[edit | edit source]
Introduction[edit | edit source]
National circumstances[edit | edit source]
- a. The national economic, environmental and social context
- b. Key economic sectors and systems
- c. Climate change impacts: highlights of recent impacts
- d. Current relevant policies:
- i. Mandates guiding climate change adaptation planning
- ii. Data policy
- iii. Policies related to gender and vulnerable groups
- iv. Policies for relevant systems in the NAP (e.g. related to staple foods, energy, statements in the NDC, etc)
Vision, mission and objective of the NAP[edit | edit source]
Goal and objectives of the NAP[edit | edit source]
Regulatory frameworks and institutional arrangements for adaptation[edit | edit source]
- a. Governance structures and institutions
- b. Plans for integrating adaptation and NAPs in development planning and plans
Processes supporting the development of the National Adaptation Plan[edit | edit source]
- a. Description of decision-making processes and how adaptation options are prioritized
- b. Multi-stakeholder engagement process
- c. National roadmap and framework
- d. Guiding principles (science, ITK, gender, transparency and participation, etc.)
- e. Process of identification/stocktaking of desirable and available information
- i. Climate and socio-economic data and information
- ii. Current assessments: Exploring possibilities for further assessments
- iii. Policies, strategies, plans
- iv. Existing initiatives on adaptation
- v. Resource mobilization for the process
Impacts, vulnerabilities and risks (short-, medium- and long term)[edit | edit source]
- a. Framework for national adaptation to guide assessment of vulnerabilities and risks
- i. Conceptual framework of vulnerability and risk at various levels: national, system level, local level, etc
- ii. Boundary conditions for the assessment
- iii. Focus on key systems/sectors
- iv. Synergy with SDGs, Sendai Framework for DRR, and other relevant regional and national frameworks
- b. Baseline climate based on 1981-2010
- c. Current impacts, vulnerabilities and risks
- d. Projected future impacts, vulnerabilities and risks
National Adaptation Priorities[edit | edit source]
Climate change adaptation implementation strategy including costs[edit | edit source]
- a. National climate change adaptation programme: umbrella programme
- b. Projects and programmes to address key risks for the country
- c. Essential cross-cutting projects/programmes
- i. Creating an effective adaptation process and system (mainstreaming/integration, policies, governance, etc.)
- ii. Climate information services and early warnings systems, systematic observations
- iii. Active monitoring of key systems: crop production, water resources, ecosystems, etc
- iv. M&E system – individual projects and in aggregate for the country
- v. Capacity development for implementation of adaptation and support to the process including data and information management, etc
- d. Mobilization of resources
- i. Aligned with the GCF country programme
- ii. Other relevant climate finance mechanisms (international and domestic) and implementing partners
- iii. Technology
- iv. Capacity Building
Reporting, monitoring and evaluation framework[edit | edit source]
- a. Monitoring and evaluation system (mapped to goals and objectives, and targets where applicable; 5 types of metrics: inputs, process, output, outcome, impact)
- b. Reporting on progress on NAPs under the UNFCCC (through national communications/Adaptation Communications)
- c. Link to the NDC
- d. Reporting and outreach at the national level
Further development of an effective NAP process and updates to the NAP[edit | edit source]
- a. Data and system observations to support future assessments
- b. Roadmap (plan) for review and update of the NAP in five years
- c. Addressing gaps and needs
References[edit | edit source]
Annexes[edit | edit source]
- a. Data and information system to support the NAP
- b. Annotated reports, strategies, plans
- c. List of of ongoing programmes and projects