Revision as of 21:06, 12 February 2020 by (talk) (Created page with "===Front matter=== : a. Acronyms : b. List of Tables : c. List of Figures ===Executive summary=== ===Introduction=== ===National circumstances=== : a. The national econom...")
- 1 Front matter
- 2 Executive summary
- 3 Introduction
- 4 National circumstances
- 5 Vision, mission and objective of the NAP
- 6 Goal and objectives of the NAP
- 7 Regulatory frameworks and institutional arrangements for adaptation
- 8 Processes supporting the development of the National Adaptation Plan
- 9 Impacts, vulnerabilities and risks (short-, medium- and long term)
- 10 National Adaptation Priorities
- 11 Climate change adaptation implementation strategy including costs
- 12 Reporting, monitoring and evaluation framework
- 13 Further development of an effective NAP process and updates to the NAP
- 14 References
- 15 Annexes
Front matter
- a. Acronyms
- b. List of Tables
- c. List of Figures
Executive summary
National circumstances
- a. The national economic, environmental and social context
- b. Key economic sectors and systems
- c. Climate change impacts: highlights of recent impacts
- d. Current relevant policies:
- i. Mandates guiding climate change adaptation planning
- ii. Data policy
- iii. Policies related to gender and vulnerable groups
- iv. Policies for relevant systems in the NAP (e.g. related to staple foods, energy, statements in the NDC, etc)
Vision, mission and objective of the NAP
Goal and objectives of the NAP
Regulatory frameworks and institutional arrangements for adaptation
- a. Governance structures and institutions
- b. Plans for integrating adaptation and NAPs in development planning and plans
Processes supporting the development of the National Adaptation Plan
- a. Description of decision-making processes and how adaptation options are prioritized
- b. Multi-stakeholder engagement process
- c. National roadmap and framework
- d. Guiding principles (science, ITK, gender, transparency and participation, etc.)
- e. Process of identification/stocktaking of desirable and available information
- i. Climate and socio-economic data and information
- ii. Current assessments: Exploring possibilities for further assessments
- iii. Policies, strategies, plans
- iv. Existing initiatives on adaptation
- v. Resource mobilization for the process
Impacts, vulnerabilities and risks (short-, medium- and long term)
- a. Framework for national adaptation to guide assessment of vulnerabilities and risks
- i. Conceptual framework of vulnerability and risk at various levels: national, system level, local level, etc
- ii. Boundary conditions for the assessment
- iii. Focus on key systems/sectors
- iv. Synergy with SDGs, Sendai Framework for DRR, and other relevant regional and national frameworks
- b. Baseline climate based on 1981-2010
- c. Current impacts, vulnerabilities and risks
- d. Projected future impacts, vulnerabilities and risks
National Adaptation Priorities
Climate change adaptation implementation strategy including costs
- a. National climate change adaptation programme: umbrella programme
- b. Projects and programmes to address key risks for the country
- c. Essential cross-cutting projects/programmes
- i. Creating an effective adaptation process and system (mainstreaming/integration, policies, governance, etc.)
- ii. Climate information services and early warnings systems, systematic observations
- iii. Active monitoring of key systems: crop production, water resources, ecosystems, etc
- iv. M&E system – individual projects and in aggregate for the country
- v. Capacity development for implementation of adaptation and support to the process including data and information management, etcd. Mobilization of resources
- i. Aligned with the GCF country programme
- ii. Other relevant climate finance mechanisms (international and domestic) and implementing partners
- iii. Technology
- iv. Capacity Building
Reporting, monitoring and evaluation framework
- a. Monitoring and evaluation system (mapped to goals and objectives, and targets where applicable; 5 types of metrics: inputs, process, output, outcome, impact)
- b. Reporting on progress on NAPs under the UNFCCC (through national communications/Adaptation Communications)
- c. Link to the NDC
- d. Reporting and outreach at the national level
Further development of an effective NAP process and updates to the NAP
- a. Data and system observations to support future assessments
- b. Roadmap (plan) for review and update of the NAP in five years
- c. Addressing gaps and needs
- a. Data and information system to support the NAP
- b. Annotated reports, strategies, plans
- c. List of of ongoing programmes and projects