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The phenomenon of climate change continues to increase drastically, despite international efforts to limit global warming to below 2°C by 2100. This situation calls for greater adaptation efforts by developing countries, which are the most vulnerable. Aware of these challenges, Togo, after having drawn up its National Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA) in 2009, has been engaged since 2014 in the process of national planning for adaptation to climate change (NAPA), in order to prevent and limit the negative consequences of climate change on its development in the medium and long term. Context for NCCAP Preparation.

The formulation of the national climate change adaptation plan (NCCAP) has been made with reference to the guidelines of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG), in accordance with decision 1/CP.16 and the country's specific circumstances. This process was carried out in a participatory approach by national experts and consultants with the support of German cooperation through ICZM. The National Adaptation Planning (NAP) process aims to promote, in the medium and long term, the integration of adaptation to climate change (CCA) into the country's development policies and strategies in order to reduce the vulnerability of development sectors and strengthen their resilience. The process was conducted in two stages:

  • The preparation stage marked by:
  • the launch of the national adaptation planning process ;
  • Identification and mapping of available information, assessment of gaps and needs related to the creation of an enabling environment for the NAP process;
  • Assessment of capacity gaps and weaknesses related to the NAP process in the first SNAP (Stocktaking National Adaptation Planning) workshop;
  • capacity building of the members of the technical coordination committee and sectoral actors ;
  • the definition of the terms of reference and establishment of the technical committee for the coordination of the process of integrating the CCA into planning and budgeting in Togo by interministerial order N°008/2014/MPDAT/MEF /MERF of 21 July 2014.

The formulation and dissemination phase of the NCCAP includes :

  • capacity building of actors involved in planning and budgeting ;
  • the formulation of the CCA integration guide in planning documents ;
  • the launch of the NCCAP development process ;
  • the drafting of the NCCAP document;
  • National validation of the PNACC document and the guide for integrating CCA into planning documents in Togo ;
  • Assessment of the progress made since the beginning of the NAP process in terms of capacity building as well as identification of new capacity building needs achieved during the second SNAP workshop;
  • submission of the NCCAP to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat; and
  • dissemination and communication around the NAP process.

Participatory mechanism set up for the NAP process The NAP process has been the subject of national stakeholder consultation at two levels. On a limited scale, the consultation involved the Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources, the Ministry of Development Planning and the Ministry of Economy and Finance, with the aim of gaining the support and ownership of key stakeholders for the piloting of the NAP process.

On a broader scale, the consultation involved all actors from the public, private and civil society sectors, women's groups and parliamentarians. This consultation had three major objectives:

  • inform and communicate in order to have a shared vision of the NAP process and to gather stakeholders' opinions and recommendations ;
  • mobilize all actors from the public and private sectors, civil society, women and parliamentarians to ensure the involvement of all in the process; and
  • formulate a roadmap for the NAP process.

The National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (NCCAP) is based on : - at the national level: on the Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Employment Promotion (SCAPE), whose identified growth pillars are sectors vulnerable to climate change, and the Nationally Determined Planned Contributions (NDPC) document. - at the international level: on taking into account international conventions and sub-regional policies and programmes related to climate change, desertification, biological diversity, fragile ecosystems and natural disaster risk reduction. However, according to the results of the capacity assessment carried out in particular within the framework of the capacity self-assessment and the NAP process (SNAP workshops), a major capacity building effort would be necessary to improve stakeholder participation and enable them to play their roles effectively during the implementation phase of the NCCAP.

State of play

Biophysical, social and economic conditions

Togo is a West African country with a tropical climate under the influence of two trade winds: the harmattan and the monsoon. Trend studies over the period 1961-2012 show an increase in temperature versus a decrease in rainfall and the number of rainy days, as well as altered rainfall patterns that disrupt crop calendars.

The hydrographic system of Togo is composed of three main basins: (i) the Volta basin in the north of Togo; (ii) the Mono basin in the centre and south-east of the country; and (iii) the Lake Togo basin with the group of coastal rivers, the Zio and the Haho in the south. From the pedological point of view, five main soil classes are listed in Togo : (i) tropical ferruginous soils; (ii) low ferralitic soils; (iii) crude and poorly evolved mineral soils; (iv) vertisols; and (v) hydromorphic soils. Landforms constitute the bulk of Togolese ecosystems whose variety determines a rich biological diversity that provides the main ecological, food, cultural and medicinal services to the population.

Togo has a coastline of about 50 km which extends between 1° and 1°40 east longitude and between 6°05 and 6°50 north latitude. This system is a victim of coastal erosion exacerbated by the rise in sea level as a result of global warming. With 6,191,155 inhabitants in the 2010 census (RGPH, 2010), the Togolese population would increase from 6,835,000 in 2015 to : (i) 7,886,000 inhabitants in 2021; (ii) 8,812,000 inhabitants in 2026; and (iii) 9,575,000 inhabitants by 2030, with an average annual growth rate of about 2.3% between 2010 and 2031 (INSEED, 2015).

According to the UNDP Human Development Report (2015), Togo's Human Development Index (HDI) is 0.484, ranking it 162nd out of 188 countries. This low level of human development is characterized by a strong trend towards poverty, which will affect 55.1% of the Togolese population in 2015, the majority of whom live in rural areas (68.9% of the rural population, as against 37.8% in urban areas). Identified as one of the main causes of natural resource degradation and therefore a human source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, poverty will be exacerbated by climate change. This situation is explained by the fact that the fringe of the population most affected by this phenomenon depends on natural resources and rain-fed agriculture. Togo's overall GDP in 2015 amounts to US$ 4.152 billion, or US$ 578.11 per capita. Its structure in recent years shows that the primary sector occupies 39%, the secondary sector 17% and the tertiary sector 26%. The economic performance achieved by the country over the period 2003 to 2015 is characterized by a real GDP growth rate from 4.95% in 2005 to 5.48% in 2015. Togo depends on foreign assistance with nearly 80% of its public investment.

Political, legal and institutional framework

The "climate change" dimension is taken into account in the national strategic guidelines through the actions included in the third priority area of priority axis 5 of the SCAPE entitled: "Environment, sustainable management of natural resources and living environment" as well as in the risk analysis of the implementation of the strategy. Since April 2014, Togo has been engaged in a process of developing Togo Vision 2030 and, from 2016, in the preparation of its national development plan (PND 2018-2022), which integrates the sustainable development objectives (SDOs), particularly SDO 13, entitled "Take urgent measures to combat climate change and its repercussions".

Sectoral policies are made up of: national environment policy, agricultural policy, energy policy, forestry policy, transport policy, industrial policy, health policy, Togo's national water, hygiene and sanitation policy and urban planning and housing policy. The analysis of sectoral policies shows, overall, that the degree to which adaptation to climate change is taken into account varies greatly from one policy to another and the levels of implementation of adaptation measures through programmes are low. Encouraging progress has been made in sectors such as agriculture, energy, forestry, water and health. However, a greater effort would be needed to operationalise these policies.

In legal terms, the international texts relating to climate change consist mainly of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992), the Kyoto Protocol (1997) and the Paris Climate Agreement (2015). The main texts adopted at the national level are Law N°2008-05 of 30 May 2008 on the framework law on the environment and Law N°2008-009 of 19 June 2008 on the forestry code. The institutional framework for the implementation of the UNFCCC is provided by the Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF) through its technical services, the national climate change committee and the national sustainable development commission (CNDD), as well as other stakeholders.

Climate Change Scenarios in Togo

Climate observations in Togo over the period 1961-2012, show a 1°C warming compared to the period 1961-1985, with annual variations ranging between 0.7 and 1.2°C; and reductions in annual rainfall accumulation ranging between 3 and 81 mm, with, however, a resumption of rainfall observed in some stations since 2005. This trend of increasing rainfall in conjunction with global warming seems to be confirmed in climate projections for 2025, 2050, 2075 and 2100.

Indeed, according to climate scenarios, climate warming in Togo would continue with average temperature increases between +0.9 and +4.5°C, i.e. variations between 3.21 and 16.87% compared to the 1961-1985 period. As for rainfall, it is expected to increase by between +5 and +29 mm, corresponding to variations of between 0.10 and 0.55% compared to the 1961-1985 period. Warming would be weaker in the mountains of Togo and would gradually increase towards both the north and south of the country, while annual cumulative rainfall would be greater there and would gradually decrease towards the periphery. Regionally, the Plateaux region would experience the least warming compared to the extreme north of the country encompassing the prefectures of Tone, Tandjoaré, Kpendjal and Cinkassé where temperature increases would be the highest.

Unfortunately, these climate scenarios do not provide information on changes in the distribution of precipitation. However, the climate in Togo is expected to dry out further because rainfall increases are too small to compensate for the increase in evapotranspiration resulting from the large temperature increases. As for sea level, it would reach heights of 34.16 to 74.22 cm in 2100 for the optimistic scenario and 90.28 to 120 cm in 2100 for the pessimistic scenario.

Taking into account climate change, the main climate risks identified in Togo are : (i) floods; (ii) drought; (iii) high temperatures; (iv) seasonal shifts; (v) poor rainfall distribution; (vi) high winds; (vii) land erosion; (viii) landslides/floodfalls; and (ix) sea level rise.

Assessing the impacts and vulnerability of sectors to climate change

Vulnerability analysis reveals that all sectors of economic growth are vulnerable to climate change. The results by sector are as follows:

Energy Sector

A reduction of up to 46.4% in the national wood energy potential due to a drop in the productivity of natural formations and plantations between 18.3% and 27%, exposing Togo to a deficit of wood energy, mainly households that depend 53% on firewood and 40.6% on charcoal; which would intensify women's drudgery, especially in rural areas. With regard to hydropower, the increase in evapotranspiration would affect the hydropower potential by 7.2%. A deficit of between 27 and 36% in hydroelectric power will be noted by 2050. As far as solar energy is concerned, a potential increase in sunshine would lead to an increase in the efficiency of photovoltaic installations.

Water Resources Sector

Climate change would lead to a sharp decline in groundwater flows and recharge levels, while withdrawals from surface resources would increase by 15% to 50% by 2030, resulting in a deficit that will increase in all regions of the country. Under these conditions, the country will face great difficulties in meeting national drinking water needs. In the particular case of the Lomé zone, overexploitation of the aquifer would result in an increase in the salinity of the water in the pumped aquifers affecting the freshwater potential. In addition, due to climate change, there is a risk of an increase in the proliferation of floating plants (water lettuce, water hyacinth, etc.) offering ideal conditions for the multiplication of vectors of water-related diseases such as malaria. Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use Sector (AFAT)

Sub-sector Agriculture

In the crop production chain, the water deficit, the drying up of the climate and the rise in temperatures will lead to a reduction in crop yields, particularly cereals (maize and sorghum specifically), which are the basis of the Togolese population's diet. This would undermine the country's food security, which will be exacerbated by soaring food prices. In coffee and cocoa producing areas, climate change will lead to the proliferation of insect pests such as mirids and stinking locusts, and the appearance of diseases, the main ones being necrotic coffee decline, swollenshoot and brown rot for cocoa trees, with the impact of reducing yields, export earnings and therefore GDPA. In the event of excessive rainfall, the high humidity will lead to the development of fungi and bacteria that will attack the root systems of plants, causing the wilt of flooded speculations which, together with the proliferation of plant parasitic micro-organisms, weeds and insects, will lead to a sharp drop in agricultural production, exposing populations to food insecurity. The increase in pests and weeds will increase farm maintenance costs, reducing producer income and exposing rural areas to impoverishment.

At the level of the livestock sector, the water deficit and the drying up of the climate will lead to the drying up of watering points for animals, the degradation of pastures, the death of livestock, the drop in income of pastoralists and agro-pastoralists and the rural exodus. During periods of abundant rains, there will be an upsurge of certain diseases, notably fowl plague and trypanosomiasis in cattle, especially zebus. The fishing industry will also experience a decline in fish production due to the strong disruption of fish productivity cycles, salinization of freshwater bodies and also the death of fry. The increase in sea surface water temperature will lead to frequent migrations of some fish species at depth and a decrease in the volume of pelagic resources.

In the forestry sub-sector, the increase in temperature would lead to an increase in evapotranspiration and the resurgence of vegetation fires (due to the drying of the herbaceous stratum). While salt water intrusion into rivers due to sea level rise could affect mangrove productivity. The resulting drop in the productivity of natural formations (forests, savannahs, mangroves, etc.) will lead to a reduction in the national potential for wood energy and labour, which will be exacerbated by the rise in the price of wood products. At the level of the land use and soil sub-sector, the drying up of the climate, the increase in temperatures and evapotranspiration will intensify the leaching and lateralisation of soils already observable in the Eastern Plateaux region (Eastern Mono and Middle Mono prefectures); while heavy rains will increase soil erosion, especially in hilly areas. This will lead to further land degradation, reducing land availability.

Human Settlements and Health Sector

In the Human Settlements sub-sector, the intensification of floods and high winds will affect dwellings (precarious housing and shelters), road infrastructure and socio-economic facilities, with material and human losses and the isolation of localities. In mountain areas, erosion caused by heavy rains will increase the loosening of house foundations and landslides/slides will also wash away some houses.

At the level of the Health sub-sector, vector-borne diseases such as malaria, which affect children aged 0 to 5 years and pregnant women much more, will be amplified, as will water-related diseases such as diarrhoeal diseases and cholera. Droughts and high temperatures will increase the prevalence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, respiratory (bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, etc.) and cerebrospinal diseases (meningitis).

Coastal Zone

In view of its physical and geological characteristics (low, sandy, prone to rapid waterlogging) and the fact that it is the catchment area for the water systems of the three catchment areas, the entire coastal plain will experience an increase in flooding, affecting large areas, including 20 to 35% of the areas not usually flooded. The scale of the floods will be major, mainly in Greater Lomé, where 40 to 50% of the population and 80% of the industrial and hotel infrastructure and facilities reside. At the same time, the rise in sea level combined with probable high tides and storms will intensify coastal erosion and the submersion of low-lying areas, causing spectacular retreats of the coastline between 160 m and 240 m along 30 km of coastline, between the Port and Agbodrafo, by 2030. CCA planning and implementation strategy

Vision, objectives and guiding principles

The formulation of Togo's national climate change adaptation plan (NCCAP) was made with reference to the guidelines of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG), which was conducted in accordance with decision 1/CP.16. The formulation and implementation of Togo's national plan for adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change is based on the following principles: national ownership, accountability of actors, results-based management, coherence of interventions, sustainability of interventions, gender mainstreaming, equity and partnership. The PNACC covers a period of 5 years (2017-2021) and will be implemented by all national stakeholders: institutions of the Republic, the Government, the National Commission for Sustainable Development, ministerial departments and decentralized structures, local authorities, civil society, private sector actors, universities, research and systematic observation institutions, grass-roots organizations and technical and financial partners.

The vision of Togo's national climate change adaptation plan (PNACC) is: "By 2030, Togo's socio-economic development is sustainable and the resilience of vulnerable populations is strengthened, thanks to the implementation of climate change adaptation measures. ». This vision takes into account the major issues and challenges such as : (i) food and nutritional security; (ii) reduction of poverty and social inequalities; (iii) public health and the living environment; and (iv) protection of the livelihoods of vulnerable groups. In accordance with this vision, the implementation of the PNACC aims to contribute to inclusive and sustainable growth in Togo through the reduction of vulnerabilities, the strengthening of adaptive capacities and the increase of resilience to climate change. Specifically: (i) ensure the systematic integration of CCA into planning and budgeting; (ii) build the capacity of stakeholders; (iii) sensitize decision-makers on the need to integrate CCA into planning documents; (iv) raise awareness to prepare the population to build resilience to climate change; (v) improve local knowledge and know-how and endogenous best practices related to climate change; and (vi) strengthen the framework for dialogue among all national stakeholders for a coordinated response to climate change.

To achieve these objectives, three (03) strategic axes have been selected: (i) Systematic integration of CCA into planning documents; (ii) Implementation of adaptation options and capacity building; (iii) Mobilization of funding for CCA. Systematic integration of CCA into planning documents There are four main phases in the CCA integration process: (i) the preparation or internal incubation phase; (ii) the diagnostic and strategic reflection phase; (iii) the planning or strategic choice phase; and (iv) the implementation, monitoring and evaluation phase. It will be done in both planning and budgeting.

Integrating CCA into planning is the integration of adaptation/adaptation options into development policies, strategies, plans, programmes and projects. To this end, the points of entry are as follows: (i) planning: transforming issues and challenges into strategic directions ; (ii) Programming: the breakdown of the actions relating to each programme/project, including climate-related activities, and projection of targets for results over periods; and (iii) the allocation of resources to planned activities.

As for the integration of CCA in the budgeting process, it consists of drawing up a list of the operations required to carry out each CCA option selected in the strategic development planning system, estimating the time required to complete them and evaluating the respective costs, with a view to incorporating them in the programming, budgeting and monitoring-evaluation instruments. To this end, it will be necessary to ensure that the budget allocation keys to be used allow the CCA to be implemented in the best possible way. This integration of CCA into planning documents will be facilitated by the use of the CCA Integration Guide in Planning Documents developed for this purpose.

Implementation of adaptation options and capacity building

The implementation strategy of Togo's PNACC is underpinned by the results-based approach and the identification and prioritization of adaptation measures. It focuses on the implementation of priority adaptation actions in sectors, capacity building for adaptation planning and implementation, and coordination.

The priority sectors identified, in order of priority, are: agriculture; water resources; coastal erosion; human settlements and health; land use, land-use change and forestry; and energy.

The VAC priority actions identified by national stakeholders are presented in the following table:Summary of priority sectoral adaptation measures

Accommodation identified Estimated cost USD million
Agriculture sector 105
1. Construction and/or rehabilitation of water reservoirs for micro-irrigation and livestock watering in rural areas in all regions. 50
2. Definition/arrangement of corridors and transhumance zones 20
3. Promotion of high-performance varieties that are resilient to climate change 10
4. Combating land degradation by strengthening integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) 25
'Water' Resources Sector 71
1. Rainwater Conservation and Wastewater Reuse 35
2. Improving water management in the agricultural sector 20
3. Improving knowledge of water resources 16
'Coastal Erosion' Sector 214
1. Improvement of the regulatory framework and knowledge management of the coastal erosion phenomenon 14
2. Implementation of structural investments to protect the coast and increase the level of resilience. 200
'Human settlements and health' sector 370,1
Human settlements''''' subsector: cities and buildings, including waste 350
1. Rational and sustainable management of waste in urban areas 160
2. Strengthening of rainwater drainage and sanitation in major urban centres 40
3. Development and rehabilitation of urban roads in major urban centres 150
Health sub-sector 20,1
1. Development of emergency medical services 20
2. Development and implementation of a national health monitoring plan 0,1
'Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry' Sector 150
1. Reforestation and protection of areas with fragile ecosystems (mountain slopes, river banks) to combat flooding, high winds and erosion. 120
2. Capacity building (technical and material) of meteorological services for good forecasting and planning of activities 30
Energy sector 46
1. Sustainable management of traditional energies (firewood and charcoal) 7
2. Implementation of electrical energy saving strategies 9
3. Development of mini hybrid networks for rural electrification 30
Total Cost Priority Measures 936

The implementation of these measures is part of the CCA's mainstreaming approach in the sectors and the agriculture sector has been selected as the pilot sector for implementation.The capacity building needs for planning and implementation of identified adaptation measures are aimed at :

  • (i) build the capacity of stakeholders to enable them to effectively play their roles and responsibilities in the NAP process;
  • (ii) sensitize parliamentarians, policy makers, public private sector actors, civil society organizations and local communities on CCA ;
  • (iii) facilitate the flow of information at all levels of the process at the intersectoral, deconcentrated and zonal levels, between the PNA committee and all stakeholders;
  • (iv) provide technical and material support for systematic observation and scientific and technological research to improve scientific knowledge of climate change and its impacts ;
  • (v) build capacity in the mastery of vulnerability assessment methodologies and tools; and
  • (vi) assist actors to integrate CCA into planning documents and to formulate eligible projects.

These needs stem, among other things, from the results of the assessments of the implementation of the UNFCCC in Togo and the workshops to evaluate the NAP process using the SNAP tool.For a coordinated and harmonious implementation of VAC actions, the implementation strategy promotes exchanges with other countries in the framework of South-South cooperation; inter-sectoral and local coordination; regional cooperation and synergies; and international cooperation.Mobilization of funding for CCATogo will need US$936 million for the implementation of CCA and capacity building actions to this effect. In order to mobilise funding for the implementation of the medium and long-term priority adaptation measures identified in the NCCAPAA, a financing strategy is proposed. Beyond the implementation of VAC actions, the funding strategy aims to mobilize the resources needed to continuously update the NAP process in Togo; and defines a clear, methodical and well-coordinated approach to solicit, obtain, use, manage, notify, monitor and evaluate internal and external funding.The sources of funding identified are : (i) at the national level: the national budget, national funds, national private funding, and local budgets; at the international level: the national budget, national funds, national private funding, and local budgets; at the international level: the national budget, national funds, national private funding, and local budgets; at the international level: the national budget, national funds, national private funding, and local budgets; at the international level: the national budget, national funds, national private funding, and local budgets; at the international level: the national budget, national funds, national private funding, and local budgets; at the international level: the national budget, national funds, national private funding, and local budgets; at the international level: the national budget, national funds, national private funding, and local budgets; at the international level: the national budget, national funds, national private funding, and local budgets; at the international level: the national budget, national funds, national private funding, and local budgets; at the international level: the national budget, national funds, national private funding, and local budgets: global funds dedicated to financing the CCA under the UNFCCC (the Adaptation Fund, the Least Developed Countries Fund, the Special Climate Change Fund, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Green Climate Fund), bilateral cooperation, international financing instruments not directly under the UNFCCC process including multilateral development banks and sub-regional cooperation organizations; and the international private sector.The approach to mobilizing funding involves the following steps:

  • political and technical support measures consisting of : (i) create an enabling national environment for increased financial flows; (ii) identify a TFP as the lead TFP for the exercise; and (iii) develop and implement a communication strategy;
  • taking measures to raise awareness and mobilize stakeholders in order to : (i) facilitate ownership by national actors through continuous awareness-raising, information, education and communication; (ii) prepare and implement a resource mobilization strategy; (iii) organize missions to TFPs and international NGOs;
  • the organization of the TFP round table and the follow-up of the commitments made.

Monitoring-evaluation of the CCA integration processIn order to ensure a participatory, inclusive and iterative NAP process in Togo, a monitoring-evaluation mechanism has been put in place. Its implementation will ensure and improve the consideration of CCA in the planning and implementation of development policies, strategies and interventions in Togo. To this end, the monitoring-evaluation system comprises:

  1. At the national level/National coordination: the Ministry of Development Planning (MPD), the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) and MERF are responsible for ensuring ownership, monitoring and evaluation of the level of integration of climate change adaptation into planning and programming documents and tools;
  2. at the departmental level: the task of integrating and implementing CCA monitoring and evaluation within each department is carried out by the structure in charge of planning and monitoring-evaluation;

at the level of local authorities: the task of integrating, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the CCA in each prefecture is carried out by the prefectoral commission for sustainable development ;

  1. at the private sector level: the mission of integration, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the CCA is carried out by the Ministry in charge of the private sector, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Togo (CCIT) and the Patronat; and
  2. at the level of civil society: this mission is devolved to the national and regional umbrella organizations of NGOs/associations.

National adaptation monitoring and evaluation focuses on a country's progress on adaptation: what progress has been made in implementing adaptation policies, plans, interventions and investments?However, this monitoring-evaluation mechanism will have to address, among other challenges: (i) the lack of a common unit of measurement for measuring success; (ii) the long time scale needed to see the impacts of implemented CCA measures; (iii) the uncertainty about the actual impacts of climate change; (iv) the existence of other factors, such as socio-economic change and non-climate related environmental degradation and the lack of data on changes to be monitored.


Climate change is a threat to the development of countries, including the achievement of their sustainable development and poverty reduction objectives. They constitute one of the greatest challenges that human beings have had to face up to now because of their negative impacts. Although there are still uncertainties about the extent of climate change, it is likely to slow or even reverse the progress made from generation to generation. Because of their geographical location and high vulnerability, developing countries such as Togo will be strongly affected by the negative effects of these changes.

Indeed, due to the increase in global greenhouse gas emissions, the average temperature at the surface of our planet increased by 0.85°C on average between 1880 and 2012 and could, according to the pessimistic scenario, reach 4.8°C by 2100 compared to the period 1986-2005, with an increase in sea level of almost one metre (IPCC, 2014). Extreme events resulting from climate change induced by global warming, such as heat waves, floods, cyclones and forest fires, are expected to intensify. These extreme events affect ecosystems, food production and water availability, destroy homes and other infrastructure, increase mortality and morbidity, and seriously affect human health and well-being.

Sub-Saharan Africa is particularly confronted with food security challenges that are exacerbated by climate change. The report Africa's Adaptation Gap of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP, 2015), points out that at present, some 240 million Africans already suffer from hunger and an increase of 1.2 to 1.9°C by 2050 could increase the number of undernourished Africans by between 25 and 95%, due to a 10% reduction in agricultural yields; while warming above 2°C (more likely) could bring this fall to 15 or 20%, with food prices soaring by up to 12% in 2030 and up to 70% by 2080 (WB, 2015). Like all other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Togo is a country at risk because agriculture is the basis of its economy, employing about 70% of the working population and accounting on average for 40% of its gross domestic product.

By ratifying the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on 8 March 1995, Togo has shown to the international community its concern about the adverse effects of climate change on its development and the well-being of the Togolese people.

In parallel with the international fight against this phenomenon, which continues to grow, Togo has been engaged since 2014 in the process of National Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change (PNA), in order to prevent and limit the negative consequences of climate change on its development. This process is part of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held in Cancun in 2010, where the NAP process was adopted with a view to supporting developing countries and particularly the Least Developed Countries. The NAP process aims to promote, in the medium and long term, the integration of climate change adaptation measures (CCA) into countries' development policies and strategies in order to reduce their vulnerability and strengthen their resilience.

Togo's National Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA, 2009) already mentioned the integration of CCA into sectoral policies and planning as a priority. In this regard, well aware that climate change can be a brake in the pursuit of sustainable economic growth, Togo has, in the Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Employment Promotion (SCAPE, 2013-2017) document, thematized adaptation to climate change as a major challenge to improve the essential living conditions and resilience of the population.

However, efforts still need to be made to ensure the systematic anchoring of CCA integration as a cross-cutting theme in policy and strategic programming processes. To fill this gap, Togo has initiated the NAP process with the support of the GIZ in order to provide the country with a national climate change adaptation plan. The National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (NCCAP) is based on :

  • at the national level: on the Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Employment Promotion (SCAPE) whose identified growth pillars are sectors vulnerable to climate change and on the Nationally Determined Planned Contributions (NDPC) document; and
  • at the international level: on the consideration of international conventions and sub-regional policies and programmes in relation to climate change, desertification, biological diversity, fragile ecosystems and natural disaster risk reduction.

The NAP process in Togo follows the steps recommended by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) guidelines and is conducted in a participatory and inclusive manner in order to foster national ownership. Togo's National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (PNACC) is structured in four parts:

1) Context for the preparation of the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (NCCAP), which describes the process that led to the formulation of the NCCAP and the institutional arrangement put in place to conduct the NAP process;

2) State of the art which presents the biophysical, social and economic conditions of the country and the existing political, legal and institutional framework for climate change management, describes the climate change scenarios and the vulnerabilities of the sectors;

3) NCCAP Planning and Implementation Strategy which outlines the vision, objectives, scope and guiding principles of the NCCAP and outlines the approach for integrating CCA into NCCAP planning documents, implementation strategies and funding; and

4) Monitoring-evaluation of the CCA integration process, which specifies the objective and scope of monitoring-evaluation, describes the institutional mechanism and the mechanism for monitoring-evaluation and the indicators for doing so.


Methodology for formulating the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (NCCAP)

The formulation of Togo's national climate change adaptation plan (NCCAP) was made with reference to the guidelines of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG), which was carried out in accordance with decision 1/CP.16 and the country's own circumstances. This process was conducted using a participatory approach by national experts with the support of international consultants.

Steps in the Climate Change Adaptation Planning (CCA) Process

The National Adaptation Planning (NAP) process in Togo was conducted in two stages:

Preparation stage

It is marked by:

  • the launch of the national adaptation planning process ;
  • Identification and mapping of available information and assessment of gaps and needs related to the creation of an enabling environment for the NAP process;
  • Assessment of capacity gaps and weaknesses related to the NAP process in the first SNAP (Stocktaking National Adaptation Planning) workshop;
  • capacity building for members of the technical coordination committee and sectoral actors; and
  • the definition of the terms of reference and establishment of the technical coordination committee for the process of integrating the CCA into planning and budgeting in Togo by interministerial decree N°008/2014/MPDAT/MEF/MERF of 21 July 2014.
NCCAP formulation and dissemination stage

It comprises the following activities

  • capacity building of actors involved in planning and budgeting ;
  • the formulation of the CCA integration guide in planning documents ;
  • the launch of the NCCAP development process ;
  • the drafting of the NCCAP document;
  • National validation of the PNACC document and the guide for integrating CCA into planning documents in Togo ;
  • Assessment of the progress made since the beginning of the NLP process in terms of capacity building as well as the identification of new capacity building needs made during the second SNAP workshop;
  • submission of the NCCAP to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat; and
  • dissemination and communication around the NLP process.

On the basis of the roadmap, the actors have drawn up an operational plan with time-bound activities. Each of the two phases of the process was carried out according to an operational plan that was readjusted as necessary during sessions to evaluate its implementation.

Participatory mechanism set up for the NAP process

The NAP process was the subject of a national stakeholder consultation that began on a small scale and then expanded to include all stakeholders. On a small scale, the consultation involved the Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources, the Ministry of Development Planning and the Ministry of Economy and Finance. This tripartite consultation made it possible to create an atmosphere conducive to ownership of the process, to clarify the mission of each stakeholder in the process and to prepare for broader consultation. On a broader scale, the consultation involved all actors from the public and private sectors and civil society.

This consultation, which brought together actors from all public and private sectors, civil society, women's groups and parliamentarians, had three major objectives:

  • inform and communicate in order to have a shared vision of the NLP process and to gather stakeholders' opinions and recommendations ;
  • mobilize all actors from the public and private sectors, civil society and parliamentarians to ensure the involvement of all in the process; and
  • formulate a roadmap for the NAP process.

Institutional arrangement of the NAP process

As part of the NAP process, the following bodies have been set up:(i) the Technical Coordination Committee for the process of integrating CCA into planning and budgeting in Togo ; (ii) the drafting team for the guide to integrating CCA into planning documents; and (iii) the NCCAP formulation team.

Technical Coordinating Committee

Established by interministerial decree N°008/14/MPDAT/MEF/MERF of 21 July 2014, the Committee's mandate is to coordinate the process of integrating climate change adaptation into planning and budgeting in Togo. To this end, it provides guidance for CCA integration; organizes communication and awareness raising on the NLP process; monitors and evaluates the CCA integration process; approves and monitors CCA integration activities; coordinates the development and ensures quality control of the various products resulting from the CCA integration process; and reports to Ministers on progress, successes, constraints and approaches to solutions. It is chaired by the Directorate of Planning and Development Policies, assisted by the Budget Directorate (1st vice-presidency) and the Directorate of Studies and Planning of the Ministry of the Environment (2nd vice-presidency). The Technical Committee has two rapporteurs and meets once a month or more if necessary. It is composed of representatives of the public sector, civil society organizations, including a women's association, and the private sector.

The Technical Secretariat of the Committee is provided by the Environment Directorate. The Committee works in close collaboration with the National Assembly through its "Environment and Climate Change Committee" and any resource persons as required.

Drafting team for the guide to integrating CCA into planning documents

Established by the Technical Coordination Committee in consultation with the Directorate of Planning and Development Policies, this team's mission is to develop the guide for integrating the CCA into planning documents in order to help the actors in the Planning-Programming-Budgeting-Monitoring-Evaluation (PPBSE) chain to integrate the CCA into planning documents.

National Adaptation Plan Formulation Team

It is a multidisciplinary and multisectoral team whose mission is to prepare the PNACC reference document. It is supported in its mission by a national consultant.

Identification of information and assessment of capacity building gaps and needs

Identification of available information on vulnerabilities and adaptation to climate change

This step consisted initially in the identification by stakeholders of available information on climate change impacts, vulnerabilities, adaptation and actions and measures taken and/or implemented to reduce the vulnerability of populations.

The main documents identified at the national level are the reports of studies carried out within the framework of national communications since Togo's ratification of the UNFCCC on 8 March 1995, the national adaptation action plan (NAPA), the national strategy for the implementation of the UNFCCC, in addition to research work on climate change in Togo and the impacts of climate change on human activities and development in the country. This collected documentation has been enriched with the Country Resilience Priorities report produced within the framework of the Global Alliance for Sahel and West Africa Resilience Initiatives (AGIR) and the Country Communication on Climate Smart Agriculture, as well as the document on Planned Country-Determined Contributions (PDCs).

At the international level, it is mainly the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the AGRHYMET Regional Centre and the agencies of the United Nations system (FAO, UNDP, UNEP and WMO) as well as the reports of the World Bank that have been listed.

Iterative assessment of gaps, insufficiencies and identification of needs

The assessment of gaps and needs for institutional and technical capacity building was done iteratively by stakeholders using the SNAP (Stocktaking for National Adaptation Planning) tool. This assessment was made during the preparatory phase and at the end of the formulation phase of the NCCAP.

The application of the SNAP tool in the preparatory phase (in 2014) identified among other gaps and weaknesses :

  • at the institutional level: (i) weak collaboration between public sector institutions; (ii) weak involvement of private sector actors, women's groups, parliamentarians and civil society in the UNFCCC implementation process; (iii) shortcomings in communication and dissemination of information on climate change among national stakeholders; and (iv) non-operationalization of the national committee on climate change established since 28 April 2005; and
  • at the technical level: (i) the weak/poor perception by actors of the links between development and climate change and of the influence of the adverse effects of climate change on the accomplishment of their missions; * the poor mastery of the methodology and tools for assessing vulnerability and adaptation options/measures by sectoral actors;
  • weak capacity to formulate projects eligible for climate finance and other funding mechanisms; (iv) weak integration of biodiversity conservation and combating land degradation and desertification into national climate change strategies and programmes; and (v) weak capacity of meteorological services to make climate projections.

On the basis of the gaps and deficiencies identified, stakeholders have iteratively assessed the most appropriate corresponding needs for development planning, awareness-raising, vulnerability assessment and adaptation.

The second application of the CPAWS tool took place at the end of the formulation of the NCCAP. The main objective of this second evaluation is to :

  • Promote increased awareness of the importance of integrating adaptation to climate change into new and existing development instruments, across all sectors and at all relevant levels;
  • make a participatory assessment of the progress made over the last two years in terms of capacity and to detect residual and new gaps that may threaten the NAP process in Togo ;
  • initiate the development of an action plan for the effective implementation of the NAP in Togo; and
  • prepare all stakeholders for the implementation phase of the national adaptation plan.

A comparison of the situation at the beginning of the NLP process with the current situation reveals progress in the following success factors: Long Term Vision & Mandate; Mainstreaming; Participation; and Monitoring & Evaluation. For the rest of the success factors, a decrease compared to the initial situation is noted (see figure 1 & table 1).

Situation in 2014 Situation in 2016

Figure 1: Comparison of the state of play between 2014 and 2016 for national adaptation planning Source: CPAWS Workshop Reports

The progress made reflects a greater awareness of the need to integrate CCA into planning documents, programs and development projects. While the declines observed reveal a great need for technical and institutional capacity building in CCA mainstreaming.

Table 1: Comparison of the state of play for national adaptation planning between 2014 and 2016 Success factors Total average of current status 2014 Total average of current status 2016 Difference expressed in percentages Climate information 1,8 1,4 -18 Human & institutional capacity 1,8 1,7 -4 Long Term Vision & Mandate 1,5 2 32 Implementation 1,3 1,2 -2 Mainstreaming 1,2 1,7 38 Participation 1,2 1,8 48 Follow-up-Evaluation 1,1 1,6 42

Analysis of the state of integration of CCA in planning documents

The analysis of policies, strategies, plans and programmes in Togo reveals an overall lack of consideration of CCA in planning documents.

This analysis has made it possible to identify the sectors of activity where it is essential to intensify awareness and training on climate change in order to bring the actors to understand the relevance of taking the CCA into account. It also helped to identify areas where policies, strategies or plans are being prepared or are under revision in order to plan and carry out actions/support for the inclusion of CCA in the new/revised documents.

In addition, through the analysis of Togo's planning and budgeting processes, the actors involved in the NAPA process identified the anchor points of the national adaptation plan at both the national and sectoral levels.

Capacity-building activities carried out

In response to the gaps and shortcomings identified, the following capacity-building activities were carried out:

(i) sensitization of political and administrative decision-makers (cabinet directors and secretaries general of ministries) on the link between climate change and development and the NAP process;

(ii) training of the members of the Technical Coordination Committee of the NAP process and sectoral actors: in assessing impacts and vulnerabilities, identifying and prioritizing adaptation options/measures; and on mainstreaming climate change into policy and budgeting processes;

(iii) training of Development Policy and Planning Directorate (DPPD) managers on mainstreaming CCA into planning; and

(iv) training of Medium Term Budget Framework (MTBF) committee members on mainstreaming CCA into the national budget.

Institutional capacity building focused on:

(i) improved dialogue and communication between actors from the public sector, civil society organizations and the private sector; and

(ii) the establishment of a technical committee to coordinate the process chaired by the Directorate of Planning and Development Policies.