Richard Muyungi

Mr. Richard Stanslaus Muyungi has worked for the Tanzania government and UN community for over 30 years including currently as the Director of Environment (including Climate Change) in the Vice President’s Office, Tanzania.  He is one of the longest serving members of the African Group of Negotiators in climate change and has participated in the UNFCCC Processes since 1996. Ever since he has taken up various positions and lead/facilitated negotiations on behalf of developing countries, Africa and LDCs in almost all areas of the UNFCCC processes.  He has particularly focused on Adaptation, Finance and Capacity Building. He is currently the Alternate member of the Green Climate Fund Board on behalf of Africa and member of the Accreditation Committee of the GCF Board.

Prior to this, Mr. Muyungi has served on various positions including being: LDCs Chair, (2001-2003); Member of the CGE (2004-2005); Member of the CDM Executive Board, (2005-2007); UNFCCC SBSTA Chair (2011-2013); and First Adaptation Fund Board Chair (2008/2009).

Mr. Muyungi was the Adviser to the Tanzanian President and Chair of the Committee of African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change (CAHOSCC) (2013-2015). He has also lead negotiations for Tanzania and worked with other developing countries groups in the negotiations under the CSD in the areas of sustainable development including the negotiations towards the adoption of SDGs since 1996.

Mr. Muyungi has a first degree in Agricultural Science, a Post Graduate Diploma in international relations and a Masters degree in Environmental Protection and Management from the Edinburgh University, UK. He is currently finalizing his PhD in Climate Change. He is married to Gloria with four marital children.

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