UNFPA is the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency. Its mission is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled.
Ready to help countries in:
- Research & systematic observations for adaptation assessments, planning &
- implementation;
- Enabling activities for initiating and/or launching the NAP formulation;
- Capacity building and readiness support in submitting a proposal to the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme;
- Technical assistance and advice in the process of drafting the NAP;
- Development of social-economic pathway scenarios for the future;
- Assessing climate risk and vulnerability at different levels and in different sectors
- Applying best available science in practice of assessment, planning and implementation of adaptation;
- Integration of adaptation into national, subnational & local development plans;
- Advocacy & education on climate change & adaptation;
- Design of implementation strategies for adaptation using a mix of climate & risk financing
- Developing projects & proposals to access climate finance from the GCF and other multilateral or bilateral funding sources;
- Development of national knowledge & information systems to support adaptation planning, implementation and reporting;
- Monitoring & evaluation of adaptation outcomes and impacts;
- Managing coherence between adaptation & relevant frameworks incl. 2030 Agenda and the Sendai Framework;
- Using frontier technologies for adaptation assessments, planning & implementation;
- Engaging multiple stakeholders incl. indigenous peoples, women, youth and the private sector.
Specific expertise includes:
- Integrating Gender, SRHR, and Health Systems into climate adaptation plans
UN 4 NAPs Organization Adaptation Related Programs
UN 4 NAPs Organization Focal Point