Parallel Session III.A – Agriculture and fisheries

The session will discuss the role of NAPs in achieving adaptation priorities for agriculture and fisheries sectors. FAO and NAP-Agriculture Programme representatives from Nepal, Thailand, the Philippines and Viet Nam will share perspectives on long-term adaptation priorities for the agriculture and fisheries sectors and how the NAP contributes to achievement of these priorities. FAO will also provide an overview of the guidelines on integrating agriculture in NAPs and the supplementary guidance on addressing fisheries and aquaculture in NAPs.


Moderator: Beau Damen, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) –  FAO NAP Expo Session – Damen



(Organized by FAO)

  • Key vulnerabilities/risks for agriculture and fisheries sectors – Reichelle Celorico, Department of Agriculture, Philippines
  • Experiences and success stories with sector-specific adaptation actions – Akarapon Houbcharaun, Office of Agriculture Economics, Thailand
  • Perspectives on addressing agriculture into the NAP and how it feeds to sustainable development – Tran Dai Nghia, IPSARD, Vietnam

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III.A-3. PPT_NAP Expo Agriculture_11092017_V2

III.A-4. Presentation_NAP Expo


Location: Grand Ballroom 3 Date: September 11, 2017 Time: 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Beau Damen Reichelle Celorico Akarapon Houbcharaun Tran Dai Nghia